Sunday, October 02, 2005

Proof that you never know what the night will bring

Last night Liz and I ended up hanging out with some faux mustachioed men and a girl dressed as a bride who we found at Casanova. They claimed to be dressed as boy band members but we thought it was more Ernest Hemingway chic. I have some more incriminating photos of Liz but decided to be kind and leave them off the WWW (for now, at least).

Here's a photo of Liz being traumatized:

Notice where the straw hat started off and where it eventually ended up. I always enjoy bringing home souvenirs from bizarre nights out. This is how I acquired my collection of international rugby pins. Unfortunately, I think I'll probably have to return the hat to its rightful owner.

Friday, September 30, 2005

$2 ticket + $1 hotdog = less than a soda at Fenway

We finally attended a $2 Wednesday night game at the Oakland Coliseum and watched the A's beat the Angels. As you can see from the picture, for $2, you get a lot more legroom at a West Coast baseball game than you would at a Sox game.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Liz's rebel yell

Liz decided to make some big changes in her life and started the day by piercing her nose on Haight Street. Here's a nice close-up.

To celebrate, we headed to Ben & Jerry's. Caro, predictably, ordered the dinosaur-themed ice cream flavour (Fossil Fuel). Carolyn loves this picture of herself. I've always thought she'd make a good gameshow hostess, and seeing how effectively she showcased this small, chocolate Tyrannosaurus Rex for the camera only deepened this suspicion.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

A day at the beach... a night on the town

Caro, Liz and I drove up to Marin for the day and had a European-style picnic at Stinson Beach complete with cured meats, pesto and fresh bread and cheeses. We also stopped at the Muir Woods to check out the Redwoods. The scenary and weather were beautiful, and we were almost mauled by a large, antlered deer. Unfortunately, the model shots we took of each other are the only existing photographic record of such a lovely day. Vanity and technology can be an entertaining combination. That's Caro and I striking a Gidget-esque pose below.

Check out the photo below. Contrary to how it might appear, I promise Carolyn was not superimposed into this scene.

Later in the evening we made ourselves semi-glamourous and journeyed over to the rooftop deck at Medjool, which has suddenly become the trendiest place in San Francisco.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

My Peeps' Blogs

Sara Anderson is now the proud owner of two blogs, and has been committing herself to blogging with new fervency as she plans her wedding and attempts to survive life as a Yank living in the suburbs of Houston. Her original photography blog,, has been around for a while now and seems to have developed quite a following. The more recently launched TheBagBlog is a treat for any woman living in the post-Carrie Bradshaw age. In fact, a recent post features a photo of the icon herself.

Side note: Have you noticed Sex and the City is experiencing a new heyday among men? Now that it has been released on DVD -- convenient for mass-consumption over one-day periods -- men seem to be increasingly drawn by the show's wit and insight into the mysteries of female friendship. In my opinion, this can only be considered a good thing.

Considering her longtime obsession with The Weblog, and the self-educated expertise she has developed over the years, it remains a wonder to me that the infamous Carolyn Clark has not yet started her own. Most of what I know about the world of blogging stems from her rich knowledge base. For example, her long-distance love affair with New York has generated much free publicity for taleoftwocities and i keep a diary. Caro is actually LA-based at the moment and is ambitiously slaving away as the receptionist for a post-production editing house. I have no doubt that she will launch her own snarky blog someday soon.